Girls: Pink Tights, Pink Leotard, pink ballet shoes, hair in bun
Boys: solid white t-shirt, black pants, black ballet shoes
Girls: Pink Tights, Black Leotard
pink ballet shoes/black tap shoes OR
black jazz shoes, hair in bun
Boys: Black pants, solid black t-shirt, black ballet shoes/black tap OR jazz shoes
Girls: Pink Tights, Black Leotard, Black dance bra (if needed), pink ballet shoes, hair in bun
Boys: solid white t-shirt, black pants, black ballet shoes
Girls: Black leotard, black leggings, black sports bra (if needed), black shoes, hair secure in ponytail or braid
Boys: Black t-shirt, black pants, black shoes
Girls and Boys: Black leggings or pants/joggers, solid black t-shirt or dance studio t-shirt, or black leotard. Loose fitting clothing accepted in all black. Dance sneakers worn ONLY for dance. Hair secure in ponytail or braid.
All Black with appropriate shoes for the routine being rehearsed.
You can purchase your dance wear online at various places such as Amazon, Target, Just for Kix, and Discount Dance. The link below is the studio page on Discount Dance. I've created a few lists of items for each genre. Those specific items are not required but they are examples of what will work for class. ANY black leotard will be fine, but I chose a few different ones as examples.